viernes, octubre 24, 2008

kILL Yr. Photo

Hacía mucho que no entraba de visita por aquí... y ha dado la casualidad que he sido la visita 11.000.
Luego me doy un premio...

No sé si volveré a escribir en este blog o lo haré desaparecer algún día... o lo harán desaparecer los de blogger por falta de uso y abuso... o igual lo retoma McPhystol...

Mientras tanto podéis encontrarme en:

kILL Yr. Photo

Nos vemos!

jueves, abril 17, 2008

Página deportiva III

- No me apetece ir a la carpa... además no tenía nada negro-azulón que ponerme.
- ¿Desde cuándo te confundes con la masa?
- ¡Puta forma de encenderte los cigarros!
- Putos reproches... a partir de ahora voy a estar tranquila... sin días en los que dices dylaniano y días en los que dices dylanita... y sin esa sonrisa idiota que pones cuando escuchas a joy division... a tomar por culo la cinta del coche!


- No te pongas melodramático, que te he dejado la bala a medio centímetro de la aorta... pero que no se te acelere el pulso si todavía te apetece tomar esa copa.
- Creo que voy a pedir un bourbon con hielo... y me bebo sólo la mitad.
- La otra mitad ponla en el pañuelo y aprieta la herida. Luego nos tomamos algo en el Birdland y si veo que empiezas a dormirte te dejo en la puerta de urgencias.
- ¿Nos la tomamos aquí también? No me apetece ir hasta el Birdland.
- Otra estupidez y te dejo en la puerta del tanatorio.


- Joder... el canal disney se está poniendo gore... ¿has visto? Ese lince es clavado a Lee... aunque escupiendo el doble de sangre por la boca.
- Sí... y con más pelo en la cabeza.
- Temblaba igual el muy cabrón.
- ¿Te imaginas menos pálida?
- ¿Quieres empezar a imaginarlo todo en lugar de verlo?
- Silencio.
- ¿Por qué lo has dicho?
- Suena más dramático.
- No era una línea del guión.
- Improvisaba...



- Ahora no había dicho nada...


- Por eso. Ya puedes ver lo mismo que han visto los millones de cigarrillos que me he fumado al llegarles su hora.


sábado, febrero 23, 2008

Marco Fernandez & the Backstabbers

Viernes 29 La Boca del Lobo......... 21:00

BEDLAM BLUES(un éxito aquí y en la China Popular)

Presentación de su pedazo de disco Scarecrows on Parade que ya está editado en los USA desde hace un tiempo y que ha generado más expectativas que Obama...

viernes, febrero 01, 2008

Coleccionable: Psycho Killers

Se comenta en los mentideros de la interné que mucho kILL Yr Ydols y pocos muertos... que a ver si va a pasar como con Iggy o Lou Reed, que contra todo pronóstico siguen vivitos a riesgo de quedarse fuera de la leyenda (uno resucita a los stooges para acabar dando cierta grima y el otro ya ha sacado su disco de música "meditable"...)... claro, que a veces la leyenda consiste en ahogarse con tu propio vómito y movidas así...
Pues bien... medidas concretas... ya tenemos nuestro campo de entrenamiento en uno de esos países pertenecientes al eje del mal...
Y en breve lanzaremos nuestra horda de seres sin escrúpulos a los principales festivales del mundo mundial... vamos a respetar por cuestiones obvias a Pete, Amy y Britney...

Próxima entrega: madelman de Charles Manson...

Baby, you’re driving my crazy
I said baby, you’re driving my crazy
The way you turn me on
Then you shot me down
Well, tell me baby
Am i just your clown
Baby, you’re driving my crazy
I said i’m losing my mind
You treat me so unkind
Baby, you’re driving my crazy
I’m going out of my head
Now i wish i was dead
Baby, you’re driving my crazy
I’m going out of my head
Now i wish i was dead

jueves, enero 31, 2008


...queens of the stone age...15.febrero.2008...
Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy and alcohol.

miércoles, enero 30, 2008

Tenemos boda... (y disco...)

micah is back in texas now, after three spellbinding solo uk shows... you probably know already but at the close of the london union chapel show micah asked ashley to marry him, she said yes, and so congratulations, ashley and micah. courtesy of mike hollis. micah will be back in the road this spring, touring the new full-length record which is almost done and due out in the new year.

En breve disco de Micah P. Hinson...

martes, enero 29, 2008

take me over FUGAZI

Ayer soñé que estaba en un concierto de fugazi...

Y hacía tiempo que no soñaba... esto ya lo había contado en algún sitio...

Y me ponía pegado al escenario... y me ataba la correa de la cámara de fotos al brazo...

Y sacaba unas fotos de la oxtia... borrosas... grises... de brazos, piernas, cabezas, nubes de polvo... nada reconocible...
Unas fotos de la oxtia...

Y salía de allí sucio... sucio y solo en Washington... pero con unas fotos de la oxtia...
i want out
i want a mutually assured destructive
life seizing separate culture to take me over
moving silent like radar
take me over and blow out my mind
full disclosure coming sponsored by no one
take me over and blow out my mind ejected
take me over

lunes, enero 28, 2008


Tenemos la versión oficial... y la versión Chaivas...

preguntaba yo por ahí en otros foros... en qué película salía lo de las dos cartas? (me suena a mí haberlo visto en alguna peli de Russ Meyer... o era de Rob Zombie?)

La historia es la siguiente… no sé si se trata del sustituto de Churchill o de quién… pero suponiendo que se trata de Churchill y su sustituto (llamémosle Chaivas)… le dice Churchill:

Te voy a dejar dos sobres cerrados… la primera vez que tengas un problema que no puedas solventar, abre el primer sobre y lee la carta…
El día que te surja un problema que no puedas solventar con lo que te indico en la primera carta, abre la segunda…

Puede que no fuera así, pero yo seguía detrás del arbusto y... sí, Churchill tenía una pick-up... motor en marcha...

Total… que surge el primer gran problema y Chaivas abre sobre marcado con un uno y lee: “Échame la culpa a mí”… (buenísimo, eh?)

Años después surge otro gran problema irresoluble con los medios que tenía Chaivas al alcance y decide abrir el segundo sobre y lee: “Ponte a escribir dos cartas”…

Juas… más buenísimo aún…

Pues eso…

15:53… buena hora para escribir un par de cartas, no? y para colgar unas fotos de Robert Capa...
Vale... no eran Churchill y Chaivas... eran Nikita Jruschov y Leónidas Brezhnev... estaba oscuro... no se veía na...

miércoles, enero 23, 2008

kILL Yr. Ydols Records y la crisis de la industria

Visto lo visto, el recopilatorio de Morphine se ha ido al limbo...
Me agobio sólo de pensarlo... pero Vindaloo nos cuenta esta historia... me invento los detalles, claro...
Había una vez un pequeño pueblo (pongamos que hablo de Springfield, que seguro que nos aporta visitas) en el que el alcalde convocó a todos sus habitantes (mayores de 18 años... blablabla...) para votar una decisión fundamental...
Tras la jornada de reflexión del sábado, el domingo fueron todos a votar y luego se tomaron unas cañas... otros pidieron tinto de verano... y cierta persona se tomó un martini porque le gusta tomarse una copilla antes de comer... por la noche el alcalde llamó a su teniente de alcalde... subieron la urna a una pick-up de nissan y fueron al río... y el alcalde le pidió al teniente de alcalde que le ayudara a tirar la urna al agua... el teniente de alcalde sorprendido le dijo "Pero... pero... vamos a tirar los votos? para qué hemos convocado la votación?" y el alcalde le dijo "Ellos ya han votado y están contentos..." o algo así... que no habían apagado el motor de la pick up y desde el arbusto se oía fatal...
En fin... que vosotros ya votasteis... y que los votos son como la vida (bueno, pero en papel... y con un sobre de esos que la pega sabe asquerosa... y... esto... arenas movedizas... cuanto más me muevo más me hundo...) ... nuestras vidas son los rios que van a dar a la mar que es el morir...
pero no todo está perdido... a cambio, te puedes llevar tu camiseta unipets si finalmente alguno de los otros recopilatorios en mente acaban viendo la luz:
- Road Movie
- Everybody must get stoned
- Beatless (Beatles Covers)
- kILL Yr. Ydols OST
- Los 14 ochomiles
- Koutubiya mon amour
i get a kick out of songs with some scientific merit (esp astronomy!). i admit my nerd-dom with pleasure and with your help i’ll be able to proclaim it loudly and beautifully!
01. Laura Veirs - "Galaxies" (Year Of Meteors)
02. Yo La Tengo - "Center Of Gravity" (I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One)
03. Yann Tiersen + Neil Hannon - "Life On Mars" (Black Session)
04. Air - "Venus" (Talkie Walkie)
05. Paul Simon - "St. Judy’s Comet" (1964-1993)
06. Sia - "Moon" (Colour The Small One)
07. The Blow - "The Moon Is There, I am Here" (Bonus Album)
08. Mirah - "The Sun" (College Park Is Always Ready To Party)
09. Supreme Beings Of Leisure - "Last Girl On Earth" (S/T)
10. Stars - "Theme From The Stars" (A Lot Of Little Lies For The Sake Of One Big Truth)
11. Jason Webley - "Constellation Prize" (Against The Night)
12. Jeff Buckley - "Murder Suicide Meteor Slave" (Sketches For My Sweetheart The Drunk)
13. Oingo Boingo - "Weird Science" (Best O’ Boingo)
- Joy Division... na más que de reír y reír...
- kILL Yr. Christmas(s)
Podéis aportar ideas...
Por cierto... la primera frase era un comentario socio-político...
Es a lo que me suena la campaña electoral... un político... un atril... muchas personas sentadas de fondo... banderitas... un slogan... empieza el mitin!:
"Con la compra de este juego Malucchi se lleva GRATIS una Camiseta Unipets"
Ou llea...

lunes, enero 21, 2008


Shellac son:

Bob Weston
Todd Trainer
Steve Albini

pero sobre todo son Shellac.

y ayer me dejaron loco... una vez más...

Steve Albini ha trabajado de una forma u otra en los siguientes discos(la lista es... INCOMPLETA! Además de un copy-paste...):

[edit] Big Black, 1982-1987
Big Black - Lungs EP - (1982)
Big Black - Bulldozer EP - (1983)
Big Black - Racer-X EP - (1984)
Big Black - The Hammer Party - (1985)
Big Black - Il Duce/Big Money - 7” (1986)
Big Black - Atomizer - (1986)
Big Black - Rema Rema - (1984)
Big Black - Heartbeat - 7"
Big Black - Headache - EP
Big Black - The Rich Man's Eight Track Tape - 1994
Big Black - He's a Whore/The Model - 7"
Big Black - The Incredibly Corporate Whorish Big Black Interview Album - LP Touch and Go Records (1987)
(aka Talk About Fucking) (Blast First! UK)
Big Black - Songs About Fucking - (1987)
Big Black - Pigpile - MC/CD/VHS (1992)

[edit] 1985-1989
Dark Arts - A Long Way from Brigadoon (1985) (released on Albini's Ruthless Records (Chicago) label)
Urge Overkill - Strange, I... (1986) (credited as "Li'l Weed")
Blatant Dissent - Hold the Fat LP, Dreams 7" (1986) (credited as "Robert Earl Hughes")
Slint - Tweez (1987) (credited as "some fuckin' derd niffer") [1]
Pixies - Surfer Rosa (1987)
Urge Overkill - Jesus Urge Superstar (1988)
The Membranes - Kiss Ass...Godhead! (1988)
Bitch Magnet - Star Booty (1988) (mix only but credited as producer)
Tar - Play to Win 7" (1988)
Rapeman - Two Nuns and a Pack Mule (1988)
Tar - Handsome EP (1989)
Ut - Griller (1989)
The Jesus Lizard - Pure (1989)
Sixteen Tons - 4 Songs (1989)
Wreck – Wreck 12" EP (1989)
Bliss – Grafted to an elbow LP (1989)
Pussy Galore - Dial M for Motherfucker (1989)

[edit] 1990
Breeders - Pod (1990)
Flour - Luv 713 (1990)
Sixteen Tons - Headshot (1990)
The Jesus Lizard - Head (1990)
Tad - Salt Lick/God's Balls (1990)
Whitehouse - Thank Your Lucky Stars (1990) (co-produced with William Bennett)
Wreck - Soul Train (1990)
Pigface - Gub (1990) (Albini also plays guitar, bass, and oscillator on some tracks)

[edit] 1991
Cath Carroll - England Made Me (1991)
Cheer-Accident - Dumb Ask (1991)
Didjits - Full Nelson Reilly (1991) (credited as Reggie Stiggs)
Poster Children - Flower Plower (1991)
Sandy Duncan's Eye - Sandy Duncan's Eye (1991)
Zeni Geva - Total Castration (1991)
The Wedding Present - Seamonsters (1991)
The Mark of Cain - Incoming (1991)
The Jesus Lizard - Goat (1991) (uncredited)
Chris Connelly - Whiplash Boychild (1991) (credited as assistant engineer; also contributed some guitar)
Superchunk - No Pocky For Kitty (1991) (uncredited)
Wreck - House of Boris (1991)
Tar - Jackson LP (1991)
Volcano Suns - Career in Rock (1991)

[edit] 1992
Things That Fall Down - Disbelief (1992)
Various Artists - Follow Our Trax, Vol. 8: Another Disc, Another Planet (1992)
Bewitched - Harshing My Mellow (1992)
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Jon Spencer Blues Explosion (1992)
The Jesus Lizard - Liar (1992) (uncredited)
Helmet - Meantime (1992) (song "In The Meantime" recorded by Albini; mixed by Andy Wallace)
Failure - Comfort (1992)
Braindamage - Signal de Revolta (1992)
Zeni Geva - Nai-Ha (1992)
Murder, Inc. - Murder, Inc. (1992)
Crain - Speed (1992)
Union Carbide Productions - Swing (1992)
Whitehouse - Twice Is Not Enough (track "Neronia" only; co-produced with William Bennett) (1992)

[edit] 1993
Crow - My Kind Of Pain (1993)
Engine Kid - Bear Catching Fish (1993) (uncredited)
Don Caballero - "Our Caballero" b/w "My Ten Year Old Lady Is Giving It Away" (a-side only, uncredited)
Don Caballero - "ANDANDANDANDANDANDANDANDANDAND" b/w "First Hits" (uncredited)
Don Caballero -
For Respect (1993) (uncredited)
PJ Harvey - Rid of Me (1993) (Albini recorded all but one song)
Jawbreaker - 24 Hour Revenge Therapy (1993) (uncredited)
Nirvana - In Utero (1993)
Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet - Sport Fishin' (1993)
Shellac - The Rude Gesture: A Pictorial History 7" (1993)
Shellac - Uranus 7" (1993)
Silkworm - His Absence Is a Blessing single (1993)
Tar - Toast (1993)
Usherhouse - Molting (1993)
Zeni Geva - Desire for Agony (1993)
Zeni Geva - All Right You Little Bastards(1993) (live album, Albini plays guitar)
Various Artists - 1993 Mercury Music Prize: Shortlist Sampler (1993)
Various Artists - The Beavis and Butt-Head Experience (1993)
Various Artists - Whip (1993)

[edit] 1994
Space Streakings - 7-Toku (1994) (mix only)
Dazzling Killmen - Face of Collapse (1994)
Whitehouse - Halogen (co-produced with William Bennett) (1994)
Silkworm - In the West (1994)
Shellac - The Bird is the Most Popular Finger 7" (1994)
Shellac - At Action Park (1994)
Various Artists - Insurgent Country, Vol. 1: For a Life of Sin (1994)
Silkworm - Libertine (1994)
The Jesus Lizard - Down (1994)
Craw - Lost Nation Road (1994)
Crow - My Kind of Pain (1994)
Morsel - Noise Floor (1994)
Brise-Glace - When in Vanitas (1994) (uncredited)
Various Artists - You Got Lucky: Tom Petty Tribute (1994)
Six Finger Satellite - Machine Cuisine (1994)
johnboy - Claim Dedications (Trance Syndicate) (1994)

[edit] 1995
Uzeda - 4 (1995)
Faucet - Bleeding Head (1995)
Lizard Music - Fashionably Lame (1995)
Zeni Geva - Freedom Bondage (1995)
Killdozer - God Hears the Pleas of the Innocent (1995)
Various Artists - Homage: Lots of Bands Doing Descendents's Songs (1995)
Gaunt - I Can See Your Mom From Here (1995)
Superchunk - Incidental Music 1991-95 (1995)
Various Artists - Insurgent Country, Vol. 2: Hell-Bent (1995)
Screeching Weasel - Kill the Musicians (1995)
18th Dye - Tribute To A Bus (1995)
The Fleshtones - Laboratory of Sound (1995)
The Drovers - Little High Sky Show (1995)
Martians - Low Budget Stunt King (1995)
Various Artists - Means to an End: The Music of Joy Division (1995)
Gastr del Sol - Mirror Repair EP (1995)
Tar - Over and Out (1995)
The Amps - Pacer (Not credited, not all songs) (1995)
Sloy - Plug (1995)
Man or Astro-man? - Project Infinity (1995)
Whitehouse - Quality Time (co-produced with William Bennett) (1995)
Tony Conrad - Slapping Pythagoras (1995)
Melt-Banana - Speak Squeak Creak (1995)
Palace Brothers - Viva Last Blues (1995)
Yona-Kit - Yona-Kit (1995)
Burning Witch - Towers... (1995)
Oxbow - Let Me Be a Woman (1995)

[edit] 1996
The Auteurs - After Murder Park (1996)
Palace Music - Arise Therefore (1996)
Rosa Mota - Bionic (1996)
Robbie Fulks - Country Love Songs (1996)
Big'n - Discipline Through Sound (1996)
Silkworm - Firewater (1996)
Bodychoke - Five Prostitutes (1996)
A Minor Forest - Flemish Altruism (Constituent Parts 1993-1996) (1996)
Phono-Comb - Fresh Gasoline (1996)
Brainiac - Hissing Prigs in Static Couture (1996)
Dis- - Historically Troubled Third Album (1996)
Splendorbin - Stealth (1996)
Stinking Lizaveta - Hopelessness & Shame (1996)
Various Artists - In Defense of Animals, Vol. 2 (1996)
Union - In Terminus GA, 1997 (1996) (some vocals recorded and some songs mixed by David Barbe)
Various Artists - Jabberjaw Compilation, Vol. 2: Pure Sweet Hell (1996)
Fred Schneider - Just Fred (1996)
Smog - Kicking a Couple Around EP (1996)
Mandingo - Macho Grande (1996)
Cheer-Accident - Not a Food (1996)
Ativin - Pills Vs. Planes (1996)
Sloy - Planet of Tubes (1996)
Bush - Razorblade Suitcase (1996)
Dazzling Killmen - Recuerda (1996) (three songs only)
The Mark of Cain - Rock & Roll (1996)
Melt-Banana - Scratch or Stitch (1996)
Various Artists - Shots in the Dark (1996)
Nirvana - Singles (1996)
Shakuhachi Surprise - Space Streakings Sighted Over Mount Shasta (1996)
Les Thugs - Strike (1996)
Bush - "Swallowed" single (1996)
Hubcap - Those Kids Are Wierder (1996)
Low - Transmission EP (1996) (Albini also contributed some illustrations)
Scrawl - Travel On, Rider (1996)
Guided by Voices - Under the Bushes Under the Stars (1996) (two songs only, credited to "Fluss")
Vent 414 - Vent 414 (1996)
Killdozer & Ritual Device - When the Levee Breaks (1996)
Veruca Salt - Blow It Out Your Ass It's Veruca Salt (1996)

[edit] 1997
Shellac - The Futurist (1997)
Bokomolech - Jet Lag, LP (1997)
Cheap Trick - "Baby Talk" b/w "Brontosaurus" single (1997)
Cheap Trick - unreleased re-recording of
In Color
Craw - Map, Monitor, Surge (1997)
Darling Little Jackhammer - Criminally Easy To Please (1997)
Ein Heit - Lightning and the Sun (1997)
Great Unraveling - Great Unraveling (1997)
Original Soundtrack - Jackal (Original Soundtrack) (1997)
Oxbow - Serenade in Red (1997)
Pegboy - Cha Cha Damore (1997)
Pixies - Death to the Pixies 1987-1991 (1997)
P.W. Long's Reelfoot - We Didn't See You on Sunday (1997)
Silkworm - Developer (1997)
Solar Race - Homespun (1997)
Spider Virus - Electric Erection (1997)
Storm & Stress - Storm & Stress (1997)
Various Artists - Guide to Fast Living, Vol. 2 (1997)
Dianogah - As Seen From Above (1997)

[edit] 1998
Pansy Division - Absurd Pop Song Romance (1998)
Pedro, Muriel & Esther - The White To Be Angry (1998)
The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - ACME (1998)
Young Dubliners - Alive Alive O (1998)
Silver Apples - Beacon (1998)
Shellac - Terraform (1998)
Uzeda - Different Section Wires (1998)
Silkworm - Even a Blind Chicken Finds a Kernel of Corn: 1990-199 (1998)
Eclectics - Idle Worship (1998)
Will Oldham - Little Joya (1998)
Pansy Division - More Lovin' From Our Oven (1998)
Plush - More You Becomes You (1998)
Whitehouse - Mummy and Daddy (track "Private" only) (1998)
Dirty Three - Ocean Songs (1998)
The Sadies - Precious Moments (1998)
Various Artists - Smash Your Radio: Jump Up! Sampler (1998)
Bert - Bert (Pinebox Records)
Cordelia's Dad - Spine (1998)
The Ex - Starters Alternators (1998)
The Traitors - Traitors (1998)
Dirty Three - Ufkuko (1998)
Joel RL Phelps and the Downer Trio - 3 (1998)
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant - Walking Into Clarksdale (1998)
Mount Shasta - Watch Out (1998) (credited as "Debbie Albini")
Vandal X - Songs from the heart (1998)
Bedhead - Transaction de Novo (1998)
.22 - Watertown EP

[edit] 1999
Teenage Frames - 1% Faster (1999)
Fun People - Art of Romance (1999)
Chisel Drill Hammer - Chisel Drill Hammer (1999)
Early Lines - Are Tired Beasts (1999)
Filibuster - Deadly Hifi (1999)
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Emergency Call from Japan (1999)
Neurosis - Times of Grace (1999)
The Bollweevils - History of the Bollweevils, Vol. 2 (1999)
Distortion Felix - I'm an Athlete (1999)
Ensimi - BMX (1999)
Ballydowse - The Land, the Bread and the People (1999)
Murder, Inc. - Locate Subvert Terminate: The Complete Murder Inc. (1999)
Nina Nastasia - Dogs (album) (1999, re-released 2004)
Neutrino - Motion Picture Soundtrack (1999)
Chevelle - Point #1 (1999)
Various Artists - Poor Little Knitter on the Road: A Tribute to the Kni (1999)
The Sadies - Pure Diamond Gold (1999)
Low - Secret Name (1999)
Don Caballero - Singles Breaking Up (Vol. 1) (1999) (uncredited, five songs only)
Ativin - Summing the Approach (1999)
Pezz - Warmth & Sincerity (1999)
Hosemobile - What Can & Can't Go On (1999)
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Xtra Acme USA (1999) (seven songs only)
Dragbody - Flip The Kill Switch (1999)

[edit] 2000
Will Oldham & Rian Murphy - All Most Heaven (2000)
Various Artists - Best Anthems... Ever! (2000)
Cinerama - Disco Volante (2000)
Laura Borealis - Funderful (2000)
Don Caballero - American Don (2000) (credited only as "the proprietor" of Electrical Audio)
Silkworm - Lifestyle (2000)
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - "Magical Colours" b/w "Confused" single (2000)
Shellac - 1000 Hurts (2000)
Shannon Wright - Maps of Tacit (2000)
Neurosis - Sovereign (2000)
Man or Astro-man? - Spectrum of Infinite Scale (2000)
Flogging Molly - Swagger (2000)
The Bomb - Torch Songs (2000)
Caesar - Leaving Sparks (2000)
Robbie Fulks - Very Best of Robbie Fulks (2000)
Destro 1 - Start the whole mechanical sequence (2000)
Dianogah - Battle Champions (2000)

[edit] 2001
Early Lines - Hate the Living, Love the Dead (2001)
Zeni Geva - 10,000 Light Years (2001)
Robbie Fulks - 13 Hillbilly Giants (2001)
The Bottletones - Adult Time (2001)
Meat Joy - Between the Devil and the Deep (2001)
Robbie Fulks - Couples in Trouble (2001)
Whitehouse - Cruise (track "Public" only) (2001)
Joan of Arse - Distant Hearts, a Little Closer (2001)
The Ex - Dizzy Spells (2001)
Shannon Wright - Dyed in the Wool (2001)
The Traitors - Everything Went Shit: Lost and Collected Tracks (2001)
Danielson Famile - Fetch the Compass Kids (2001)
Labradford - Fixed::Context (2001)
Cinerama - Health and Efficiency (2001)
Double Life - III Song EP (2001)
XBXRX - Gop Ist Minee (2001)
Chestnut Station - In Your Living Room (2001)
Mogwai - My Father, My King (2001)
The New Year - Newness Ends (2001)
Owls - Owls (2001)
Hero of a Hundred Fights - Remote the Cold (2001)
Various Artists - Rough Trade Shops: 25 Years (2001)
Neurosis - A Sun That Never Sets (2001)
Low - Things We Lost in the Fire (2001)
Sonna - We Sing Loud Sing Soft Tonight (2001)
Edith Frost - Wonder Wonder (2001)
Point 22 - Worker (2001)
Loraxx - Yellville (2001)
Rye Coalition - ZZ Topless/Snowjob (2001)
Honey for Petzi - Heal all monsters (2001)
The Black Lungs (Michigan band, not the
Canadian band of the same name) - unreleased album

[edit] 2002
Various Artists - All Tomorrow's Parties 2.0: Shellac Curated (2002)
Glen Meadmore - Cowboy Songs for Little Hustlers (2002)
Nina Nastasia - Blackened Air (2002)
Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies (2002)
Jawbreaker - Etc. (2002)
Plush - Fed (2002)
Goatsnake/Burning Witch - Goatsnake/Burning Witch (2002)
Silkworm - Italian Platinum (2002)
Giddy Motors - Make It Pop (2002)
Mclusky - McLusky Do Dallas (2002)
Various Artists - Membranaphonics (2002)
Rye Coalition - On Top (2002)
Portastatic - Perfect Little Door (2002)
Milemarker - Satanic Versus (2002)
The Quarterhorse - I was on fire for you (2002)
Bellini - Snowing Sun (2002)
Sonic Mook Experiment - Sonic Mook Experiment 2: Future Rock & Roll (2002)
Beachbuggy - Sport Fury (2002)
The Ghost - This Is a Hospital (2002)
Bloodlet - Three Humid Nights in the Cypress Trees (2002)
Vermillion - Flattening Mountains and Creating Empires (2002)
The Breeders - Title TK (2002)
Cinerama - Torino (2002)
Cordelia's Dad - What It Is (2002)
Adrian Crowley - When You Are Here You Are Family (2002)
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Yanqui U.X.O. (2002)
54-71 - enClorox (2002)
Zu - Igneo (2002)
Dionysos - Western sous la neige (2002)
Dead Man Ray - Cago (2002)
The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Plastic Fang (2002)

[edit] 2003
Early Lines - Pure Health (2003)
Subersive - Antihero (2003)
Cinerama - Cinerama Holiday (2003)
Ring, Cicada - Good Morning Mr. Good (2003)
The Heavils - Heavils (2003)
Original Score - Hell House (2003)
Scout Niblett - I Am (2003)
The Forms - Icarus (2003)
Duenow - If You Could Only See What They Are Doing to You (2003)
Cheer-Accident - Introducing Lemon (2003)
Songs: Ohia - Magnolia Electric Co. (album) (2003)
Pepito - Migrante (2003)
Dysrhythmia - Pretest (2003)
The Frames - Roads Outgrown (2003)
Nina Nastasia - Run to Ruin (2003)
Sonna - Smile and the World Smiles With You (2003)
Cheap Trick - Special One (2003)
The Desert Fathers - Spirituality (2003)
F-Minus - Sweating Blood (2003)
Transit Belle - Transit Belle (2003)
F-Minus - Wake Up Screaming (2003)
Rope - Widow's First Dawn (2003)
Various Artists - Wig in a Box (2003)
Federation X - X Patriot (2003)
Purplene - Purplene (2003)
The Hidden - Hymnal EP(2003)
Red Swan - Michigan Blood Games (2003)
12Twelve - Speritismo (2003)
Chevreuil - Chateauvallon (2003)
Whitehouse - Bird Seed (2003) (title track only)
A Whisper In The Noise - Through The Ides Of March (2003)
Berkeley - Hopes, Prayers and Bubblegum (2003)

[edit] 2004
Yourcodenameis:Milo - All Roads to Fault (2004)
Living Things - Black Skies in Broad Daylight (2004)
mclusky - The Difference Between Me and You Is That I'm Not on Fire (2004)
Neurosis - Eye of Every Storm (2004)
Bear Claw - Find The Sun (2004)
Leftöver Crack - Fuck World Trade (2004)
Various Artists - How Soon Is Now?: The Songs of the Smiths By... (2004)
Living Things - I Owe (2004)
Silkworm - It'll Be Cool (2004)
Haymarket Riot - Mog (2004)
Various Artists - Neurot Recordings (2004)
Various Artists - No Depression: What It Sounds Like, Vol. 1 (2004)
Shannon Wright - Over the Sun (2004)
0.22 - Patriots (2004)
Electrelane - The Power Out (2004)
Various Artists - TRR50: Thank You (2004)
The Ex - Turn (2004)
Amber - Putting all the pieces together (2004)
La Habitación Roja - Nuevos Tiempos (2004)
Plush - Underfed (2004)
Helmet - Unsung: The Best of Helmet (1991-1997) (2004)
Scout Niblett - Uptown Top Ranking (2004)
Valina - Vagabond (2004)
Mono - Walking Cloud and Deep Red Sky, Flag Fluttered and the Sun Shined (2004)
Pixies - Wave of Mutilation: The Best of the Pixies (2004)
Saeta - We Are Waiting All for Hope (2004)
Nirvana - With the Lights Out (2004)
Wrangler Brutes - Zulu (2004)
Bright Channel - Bright Channel (2004)
Phillip Roebuck - One-man band (2004)

[edit] 2005
Living Things - Ahead of the Lions (2005)
Electrelane - Axes (2005)
Kash - Beauty Is Everwhere/Kash (2005)
High on Fire - Blessed Black Wings (2005)
Terry Stamp - Bootlace Johnnie & The Ninety-Nines (2005)
The Ponys - Celebration Castle (2005)
Gogol Bordello - East Infection (2005)
The Hidden - Smash to Ashes(2005)
Gogol Bordello - Gypsy Punks Underdog World Strike (2005)
Wonderful Smith - Hello, It's Wonderful (2005)
Jaks - Here Lies the Body of Jaks (2005)
Scout Niblett - Kidnapped by Neptune (2005)
The Patsys - On The 13th Kick (2005)
Make Believe - Shock of Being (2005)
Bellini - Small Stones (2005)
Magnolia Electric Co - What Comes After the Blues (2005)
Cinerama - Don't Touch That Dial ()
The Conformists - Three Hundred (2005)
Spy - Spy (2005)
From Fiction -"Bloodwork"(2005)
Boxes -"Bad Blood"(2005)

[edit] 2006
Jinx Titanic - Stuporstardom! (2006)
The Cape May - Glass Mountain Roads (2006)
Cougars - Pillow Talk (2006)
Sparrklejet - "Beyond the Beyond" (2006)
Die! Die! Die! - Die! Die! Die! (2006)
Two Minute Warning - Short Stories On Super-Eight (2006)
Mise en Place - Innit (2006)
Mono - "You Are There" (2006)
New Grenada - "Modern Problems" (2006)
Zao - The Fear Is What Keeps Us Here (2006)
Joanna Newsom - Ys (2006)
12Twelve - L'Univers (2006)
Nina Nastasia - On Leaving (2006)
The Time Of The Assassins - Awake In Slumberland (2006)
The Hidden - "Winged Wolves" (2006)
Made Out of Babies - Coward (2006)
Marty Casey and Lovehammers - Marty Casey and Lovehammers (album)
Cheap Trick - Rockford (2006)
Born Again Floozies - 7 Deadly Sinners (2006)
Living Things - Bom Bom Bom (single) (2006)
Chevreuil - (((Capoëira))) (2006)
Chevreuil - Science (2006)
The Sadies - Live Vol.1 (2006)
Gasoline Heart - You Know Who You Are (2006)
Phillip Roebuck - Fever Pitch (2006)

[edit] 2007
Second Echo
Iggy & the Stooges - The Weirdness (2007)
Fun -
Orchid Trip - Orchid Trip
Alamos - Captain Indifferent says, "Whatever"
Chingalera - In the Shadow of the Black Palm Tree
Moutheater - Lot Lizard 7"
stuffy/the fuses - Angels Are Ace
Hot Little Rocket, How to Lose Everything
Shellac - Excellent Italian Greyhound (2007)
Weedeater - God Luck and Good Speed
A Whisper In The Noise - Dry Land
Nina Nastasia & Jim White - You Follow Me
Om- Pilgrimage (2007)
Scout Niblett - This Fool Can Die Now (2007)
The Judas Goats- Cold Creases E.P. (2007)
Esquimaux - Tiger E.P. (2007)
The Forms- st (2007)
Stinking Lizaveta- Scream of the Iron Iconoclast (2007)
Phonovectra- Too Young To Die (2007)

[edit] 2008
The Breeders - Mountain Battles
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